Olds College

As they continue to expand their existing spaces and break ground for new buildings, Olds College needed a partner that could support their needs, year over year.

About the project

Founded in 1913, Olds College is a true pillar in the community of Olds, Alberta. After being awarded the contract for two of their new builds, Office Concepts collaborated with Haworth to establish a change management strategy for Olds College to present to its stakeholders. Working closely with Gibbs Gage Architects and Kasian Architecture, Office Concepts was then able to create thoughtful and affordable furniture solutions for lecture halls, classrooms, lounge areas, and staff workstations. 

Selections provided by Office Concepts include: Haworth, Keilhauer, Rouillard, Enwork, ERG, SitOnIt, Allermuir

Learn more about Olds College